This is the landing spot for everything we have learned from sources other than within purchased material.
One of the best sources of information for the beginner is found in books. The following is a list of rabbit books that we found useful. They are listed in a descending order of value from our perspective. If you only buy two, make it the first two on the list.
The Rabbit Raising Problem Solver by Karen Patry, ISBN 978-1-61212-142-0 This book is hands-down the best resource for both new and experienced rabbit raisers. Its content is presented in question and answer format and is in logical order to make reading easy. There is some repetition, but nearly every basic concern or question is addressed. Almost one-third of the book is used to address health issues.
Storey's Guide to Raising Rabbits by Bob Bennett, ISBN 978-1-60342-456-1 This book is another great addition to the rabbit raiser's library. Although comprehensive, it certainly reflects the author's bias toward one particular breed and style of housing. More attention is devoted to helping the reader select the correct breed for their needs. An excellent first book for the beginner.
Rabbit Production by James I. McNitt, Steven D. Lukefahr, Peter R. Cheeke, and Nephi M. Patton, ISBN 978-1-78064-011-2
Another great source of information is people who are in the hutches every day and get on social media to talk about it. The following is a list of websites that we found useful. They are listed in a descending order of value from our perspective. An online forum community that focuses on all types of herd animals. Rabbits are just a portion of their focus. With over 3000 discussions pertaining to rabbits, there is a vast amount of knowledge available for anyone looking for a basic education or just an answer to a question.
BackYardChickens.comNot to be outdone, this online forum community has a vast amount of rabbit discussions. Although chickens are the main topic, rabbits are also addressed. There is not a section specifically dedicated to rabbits, so searching for a topic is the best way to locate information. Another online forum community that solely focuses on rabbits. Despite the grim name of the forum, all aspects of rearing are addressed, including keeping as pets and as show animals. It also contains probably the largest collection of rabbit meat recipes on the web.
American Rabbit Breeders Association This is a great source for general rabbit information and a listing of rabbit breeders by region and breed. Unfortunately, the list can sometimes be out of date as some breeders move on to other livestock and fail to remove themselves from the list.
National Specialty Clubs Every breed has its own club with resources for their membership. They have more pertinent information regarding your specific breed and a more accurate list of breeders for those looking to buy quality breeding stock.